Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Experience v/s Qualification

Experience v/s Qualification

In today’s highly competitive world its very important to prove oneself. Today each employee is quite insecure in terms of job security. Considering the need of hour many employees are opting for many professional qualifications.

But how far Qualification alone can hold an edge over Experience ???

I believe Experience can be an Excellent Qualification

Being into HR field I did came across some situations were our clients need candidates having specific experience and skills rather qualifications, which were on preferential criteria’s.

But still I found in most of the situations many resumes are not considered just because candidates are not having Master’s degree with them. Experience and Skills are not considered of much importance over qualification. It is unfortunate were employees having excellent experience, track record, good stability, willingness to learn new things are not considered. Many a times they can contribute more towards the organizational growth with their experience may be more than an employee having Master’s degree.

In the movie Chakde….Bindiya a character, she was quite negative in her role towards many situations, though she helped the team to reach to Finals and ultimately wining the Finals also by her experience.

As per the current situations and job scenario these are my view points……..


  1. I agree that experience can be excellent qualification, but while we are in the area human resource we have to think that there should be some reason why these corporate are giving more importance to qualification over experience.

    I also think in the same manner when I started my career in this field, but later on when I join course in S P Jain I came to know why more importance is give to qualification. If a person goes for some professional degree or course his knowledge is specialize in that particular area, he come in contact with other experience professional of that area, who share there experiences and teach them how to behave in particular situation or what are the different strategies they can use in particular situation.

    A person who go for some professional degree he get specialization in that area , for e.g. C.A. is specialize in tax accounting and other financial matter, lawyer is specialize in legal matter, doctor is specialize in Medical, so in that case for finance we will prefer CA, for legal we prefer Lawyer and for Medical we will prefer doctor , why , reason is very simple they have done special studies in their area.

    It doesn’t mean that I disagree with the thought that experience can be excellent qualification, but along with experience if person have qualification preference is given to qualified person. You know what qualification add to your experience, its like doing iron to your washed and clean cloth or doing polish to your good quality lather shoes.

    So in my view along with the experience qualification is also required.

  2. A very interesting topic brought to our notice. We as a recruiter come across such situations where we prefer professionally qualified candidates over not SO qualified candidates irrespective of the experience he / she possess. As per the mandates and many other reasons we are suppose to look for a certain quailification and experience asked. So to a great extent qualification and experience goes hand in hand for a specific position.
    In todays world of cut throat competition , organizations are looking for best talent who are qualified and experienced as well. That is why they prefer candidates from a certain institutes with a certain quailification.

    We do have a lengends , ICONS who have had excelled in thier professional lifes without having any qualifications but yes they had the key expertise , like SACHIN TENDULKAR A SPORTSMAN , DHIRUBHAI AMBANI A BUSINESS ICON
    They have laid the example that qualification is not the only criteria to be successful. But again this formula is applicable to certain field.

  3. I think in a rat-race situation of today's world, corporates have to make the decision(even if they know they are more prone to be wrong) of prefering the quallified ones over the experienced ones.

    I personally think that a very good blend of quallificationn and experience equally makes a perfect fit & not only one of them, so the win-win situation is when that *perfect* candidate is selected who has the quallification(it might be equvalent if not exact) and the *exact* experience-level, amongst all the others.

    And the point that if the selection decision was wrong or right after the selection depends on the one percieving it, and its again based on his/her *experience*.

    So concluding I value experience more than quallification and use the later one as a yard-stick for the elimination criteria only(if I have most of the candidates having the required level of experience).

