Hiee All this is an illusionary biography just to throw some lights on the life of a recruiter. I have never heard some one talking about a recruiter’s life<
An Autobiography of a Recruiter ;)
“Hello, this is Quick solutions placement, how can I help you??? “
Sorry friends don’t get confused this is the normal punchline I use when I am attending the phone calls of my prospective candidates or the anxious candidates who are looking out for jobs
Now let me give a very brief introduction why I chose to be a recruiter leaving behind myriads of other career options.
As a child I always liked to help others for good reasons. I could not get into medical profession where I could become a doctor and treat poor patients. I did not opt for a social worker as I thought I would be a too Medha Patkar type.
“Human Resource” was the phrase that could have attracted me more than any other thing in the world while I was on the verge of making a career decision.
I started my career at the age of 20 yrs where I joined a bigtime placement company “ Zom – revolutions Services”. This was my first job was very eager to join this company. After all it was the famous company in the recruitment arena. I was feeling very proud to be the part of this company as I was the among 5 selected candidates out of 50 candidates.
All 5 of us joined the organization. Initially we attended the training session of a week .
I got to know many things there like how to speak with the candidates, how to handle them, how to use job portals, etc . Also I got to know about some infamous and fmous personalities in the office.
Initially I was very excited with my 1st job later on as time passed I was loaded with work pressure moreover I was handling a tedious profile of call centre. I kept persuading my self , “ I can do it”. But it was getting difficult with all types of work pressure. I was mentally forced to ask my self is this the place where I want to get in. selected candidates ratios falling and backout ratios at peak. To worsen the situation we had got our most sensible manager , “Mr Mantri” resigned from his job. And then there was a entry of a Dictator in our office., “ Mr. Sunaal”, The ring master. We all felt very traumatized some of my colleuges left the job with a view to never continue with this recruitment line. I was one of them to leave the job struggling with the thought should I continue this job or not.
I did not like the work profile , the feedbacks from the client. I did not want to be a loser I in my life. I kept motivating my self by all motivational phrases and songs. I did not quit , I kept searching for jobs into recruitment. Moreover I had not explored myself with recruitment. I wanted to learn many things, I wanted to help job seekers, I wanted to CREATE MY OWN IDENTITY IN THE FIELD OF RECRUITMENT inwhatever I could have by following fair means.
I landed up giving an interview with Quick Solutions placement. I got selected on the basis that I had achieve the target in my earlier company , and was from a renowned brand company.
I joined this company as a team member , where I learned many good things and also experienced bad things. But overall everything could be sustained as I was getting exposures and was performing. Whenever I was down wrt my perforamance I used to get motivations from my collegues and seniors. I got many appreciations from my clients, candidates , seniors and collegues all were NON MONETARY but kept my spirits on high.
I got exposure into various sectors unlike that typical call centre profile in my very first organization….
I felt as if I am a doctor while recruiting doctors, so I have had privilege of being a legal , programmer , scientist , BD consultant , Engineers, Accountant , etc. Where I had the authority to judge and shortlist them for further rounds of interview
Have conducted & designed many training programmes , have done business development, Have boosted morale of many candidates and sub ordinates……
One of the greatest challenge was to explain my job profiles to the uneducated people. Very common question I have been asked number of times, “Beta kya kaam karte ho ?? “With all possible ways to explain them I have concluded to tell these type of people by answering “Job delati hu “….
These is not enough at times I get bombardments from un known candidates to get a relevant job for them selves as presently they are not employed. They will also remind you of your job purpose if you delay in responding them.
Worst feeling comes when we are not able to get the relevant profiles after applying number of solutions. And others fail to understand your attempt…
But its all part and parcel of our life
Some of the experience I had realized in my career is that we are responsible for our own fate , don’t get stuck keep moving if not running , walk. If not walking crawl. But keep moving towards your goals.
There would be many people to discourage you , at the same time many factors THAT WILL ENCOURAGE YOU. You have to develop the skill to fight a situation. You should have willingness to change where you are lacking.
Now friends I have spend my 4 precious years with Quick Solutions , I am very satisfied with my performances here. I am also writing a book called employees grieviance and employers complain. So I will come up with some practical examples and help to rectify our behaviour
Byee for now ……….
I am getting a phone call :) :) :) :)
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