Thursday, December 31, 2009


Please put your views on the first session of Seven habits of highly effective people.

You can share what different thought you have generated about being successful and being effective .

Any new ideas are welcome if it was not shared yesterday .

I hope some of us or all of us may have reviewed of at least have thought about the discussion we had yesterday.

There are many thing about which we are unaware and that can be known by this medium of knowledge sharing session .

Thank you to all of you for your kind support so far, hoping the same in future by not missing any of the session.

I suggest and request each one of us to be well prepared with few points to discuss in the next interaction which can make the session more productive and interactive .

We would be thankful to the dictator of this session if he leaves his comment about the interaction he had with us ( Please let us know if you feel some thing more to be added or done to make this valuable time more prominent) .

Waiting for your comments ...........

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Whenever we are discouraged, disappointed, we always get the suggestion from our friends, colleagues that don’t seek motivation from outside, learn to motivate yourself. I truly believe in this we should not wait for someone to motivate ourselves, but how to motivate?? What should I do to motivate my self????

If one says that it is possible to change ones behavior pattern in a constructive manner, it does not automatically reflect how to change that. As for myself, I especially enjoy the articles on psyche. I got the answers for my question from one of the article written by Dr JITENDRA SINGH RAI. I would like to share some of the important points with you.

1) PRACTICE THOUGHT CONTROL: When you catch yourself starting a thought that will produce a stressful emotion like worry, anxiety, fear, apprehension, discouragement or the like, stop it & substitute thinking that brings on a healthy emotion like equanimity, resignation, courage, determination & cheerfulness.

2) Run these flags up on your “master head” & keep them flying:

· Equanimity – “Lets stay calm”

· Resignation – “Lets accept this setback gracefully”

· Courage – “I can take all these & more”

· Determination – “I’ll Turn This Defeat Into Victory”

· Cheerfulness – “See, I’m coming up”

· Pleasantness – “I’ll still have goodwill towards people “

3) Carry the key idea every minute of the day – “I am going to keep my attitude & thinking calm & cheerful – RIGHT NOW.

4) When the going is good, tell yourself life is good & allow your self the delightful feeling of being happy.

5) When the going is rough stay outwardly as cheerful & as pleasant as you possibly can. Lighten an awkward situation with a bit of humor, with kindness, or a bit of smile.


The aforesaid ideas can help to bring about emotional status & maturity. I believe ENHANCING ONES EMOTIONAL QUOTIENT IS MOST IMPORTANT THAN THE INTELLIGENCE QUOTIENT.

Once one learns the art of walking along eyes calm with equanimity, head up with determination, chest out with courage, and a pleasant word for fellow travelers & resignation on meeting rough rocky roads, LIFE WILL BECOME A FASCINATING ENTERPRISE.

It does not merely say that change is possible, but has consistently shown how change may be achieved. I know we feel very motivated after reading such type of articles, but again once we are surrounded by the tensed situation, we forget everything & find no ways to come out of that situation. That is why we need to remember these things again & again.

I would really appreciate, if you have anymore points to be added in this.....

Friday, December 18, 2009


let me share a very interesting aspect of our personality which we often exhibit in many given situation at any given point.
This Phenomenon is called " Locus of control". This term is reiterated in management books to explain personality type

Locus of Control(LOC) was a term coined by Julian Rotter in 1960s.
LOC refers to individual's perception of main causes of events in life that one attribute to themselves or to destiny.

Very often most of us blame situation or other external forces ( luck , people etc) for our behavior , outcomes, failures etc. This kind of response is called External Locus of Control.
People with External LOC tend to be negative in Life. And Keep blaming one's fate for failures.

People who assume themselves responsible for outcomes failures, success etc are with Internal LOC. These people are high on self efficacy. Are more success-full compared to people with external LOC.

So next time you judge a situation or yourself or others consider these aspect. May be it will help you take better decisions...................

"Held your self responsible. Control a situation or else it will control you"

So you can inculcate internal or external LOC depending upon your preference in life....

Living for Others

At least for once I believe many of us would have definitely thought that, they are living life just for people in their life. To a large extent decisions which we take in our life are taken considering the impact of decision on them, these people could be our friend, family member’s or even people in our professional world.

How far we can be practical or diplomatic in our Life ?

Many a times it’s not possible to take a practical decision because of our relation with them. Living for others is not very easy because your kind gesture may or may not be acknowledged as you have thought. A lot of time I wonder how far one can give unconditional love, care and affection to someone ?

Me being very sensitive and practical person major decisions taken by me are taken keeping people in my life.
One can definitely live the life the way he/she wants but it should not hurt emotions of loved ones in their life, I know friends, it’s not possible every time to keep every one happy……….but at least we can Try .

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dual-Career Couples

Friends the term itself is self explaining where, two partners in relationship are pursuing careers. It’s the need of an hour for both the partners to earn for surviving factor and better future prospects.

Entry of more and more woman’s in work place has raised this concept in various organizations. Life is not so easy and pleasant as it seems initially to both of them. For example both partners working face problems of coordinating like buying household things, planning vacations, who will stay at home with sick child and what, will happen if one partner is transferred to another city.

But now day’s many organizations are becoming sensitive to the needs and problems faced by Dual-Career couples. General Motor’s provide counseling and referral services for spouse of a transferred employee. IBM provides childcare assistance and provides all employees with up to a year of unpaid leave for childcare at home and delayed transfers. Merck provides childcare, flexible working hours, work-at-home options to Dual-Career couples.

Still all organizations wont be able provide them Work Life Programs to their employees for various other reasons.
Friend’s please share any such career assistance given by various other companies to their employees.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pyramid of Sucess - Coach John Wooden

I came across this work of John wooden ( ), the coach of basketball team. during his stint as TEACHER AND AS A COACH, he worked out various elements which would be useful in the path of being successful.

He has touched upon the elements like Intentness, Skill, Confidence etc..
Ones time on analysing these elements considering oneself will give good insight about the progress chart.

( In case the chart is not clear, visit the website mentioned above )
