Thursday, January 28, 2010
ERA a non profit chamber of commerce is registered under the Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960.
Here an article about ERA - 7th Annual Convention 2010
15th Jan 2010
Nimmee Upadhyay
ERA in its 7th Annual Convention 2010 had a theme of MAGNETIC INDIA HARNESSING ENTERPRISING TALENT.
Well known personalities , Business icons , HR Professionals, Political Leaders were among the list of speakers to speak about the topics pertaining the above theme.
This session was anchored by Anokhee Parikh , a Professor at Aditya Birla College.
Her anchoring made the session even more interesting due to her elegant way of speaking.
The summit started in a traditional stytle with a Ganesh stuti sung by a play back singer. It was followed by lighting of lamp by Mr. Sri Prakash Jaiswal, Union Minister of State.
In an inaugural address, Mr. Jaiswal insisted , recruiters to accept the responsibility of being a responsible citizen of a democratic India. Where every responsibility is forced on government. He has humbly asked recruiters to see to it that unemployed should not be exploited. And provide them with better opportunities & thus contribute to the economic growth of India.
He also emphasized that he will make suggestion in the parliament to recruitment fraternity to be given industrial status.
A mesmerizing speech & presentation given by Mr. R. N. Makhija, Director, L &T, laid emphasis on young leaders
Mr. Makhija himself is a classic example of stability & a role model for all loyal employees who stay in their organization for a long term. Well job hoppers can also be inspired by him if at all convinced by his idea.. He has spent around 44 years in L & T and plans to continue till he gets self satisfaction that he will be remembered as the BEST EMPLOYEE in his organization.
Being involved into CSR activities along with other responsibilities , he has set unique example as to how to absorb unqualified or unskilled laborer , school drop outs by engaging them into educational training program mes initiated by L & T and thus making them qualified by giving requisite training and educations. Thereby creating cost saving and reducing unskilled employment at global level.
Couple of more topics covered under this summit viz ----
IDENTIFYING & DEVELOPING LEADERS , with an idea supporting women leadership.
In today's cut throat competition every organization is having a bull fight to survive in a global market and want to be a employer of choice. And have big time investment into PR , branding etc to promote themselves. BE IT EMPLOYER OR EMPLOYEE , EVERYBODY WANTS THE BEST.
Same is explained very humorously by Mr. H. R. Shashikant emphasing on KRA.
If u took KRA as Key Result Area then you got him wrong. Its rather “ KYU RAKHU AAPKO “ in his dictionary. “Yes”, an employer will always think as to why he should hire and retail a particular employee. It still continue with the employee perception why should I (employee) join You (organization) or why should I stay with you. If all these 3 factors work in co-ordination there is an auto – mechanism of branding of both employer and employee. As both will be happy with each other and work for mutual benefit. Again an ex-employee also play an important role in branding.
This discussion summarizes the idea of equitable designing of compensation and benefits among SENIORS AND JUNIORS. And in the coming years it is more likely that the idea of compensation will get completely replaced by REWARDS as discussed by the panelist Ms Saagarika Rai CPO , Reliance Big Entertainment , Mr. Dhananjay Bansod CPO , Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India Pvt Ltd. , Mr. Yugesh Goutam VP – HR , KEC International Pvt. Ltd
Mr. Manuel D’souza , CPO illustrated with the help of statistics how he has implemented engagement & retention strategies and how its has helped improved overall productivity in his organization .
A very important message from this presentation is that , it is very important to keep employee engage which help to increase productivity and also have better work environment.
Mr. Aashu Calapa , EVP HR, First Source Solutions Ltd., Says often an image of CEO is reflected in the image of an organizations
According to Mr. Calapa , better organization culture should involve following steps
Justified the above points by a famous quotes given by Larry Bossidy
Last presentation was given by Mr. Sanjay jog HR Head – Pantaloon Retails India Limited about NURTURING INTRAPRENEURS – THE FUTURE GROUP WAY..
Towards the end of the session there was a lucky draw winner , Mr. Karan Kapoor , a HR Manager at S R Corporate Services Pvt.
Its was a nice and interactive session . But it is can be improvised and have better opportunites for job seekers and recruiters by providing myriad of other opportunities related to recruitment ethics at corporate level and individual level.
We have way to go with ERA!!
Compiled by Nimmee Upadhyay
Any suggestions or thoughts related to the above written article is welcomed
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Challenges Faced while recruiting candidates Abroad
Bangalore , Jan. 6
WHILE about 4.25 lakh Indians flew out of the country last year with overseas offer letters in their pockets, the Indian recruitment industry had to tailor deeper pockets for its foreign exchange earnings.
With 12-15 per cent of a recruitment firm's revenues coming from overseas placements, the Rs 2,000-crore Indian recruitment industry estimates that about Rs 150 crore worth of foreign exchange flowed into the country last year.
Mr K. Pandia Rajan, Managing Director, Ma Foi Consultants, says, "This shows the growing acceptance of not only Indian candidates but also Indian consultants." About 12 per cent of Ma Foi's 2005 earnings (estimated to be about Rs 212 crore) can be attributed to foreign placement billings. This year, Ma Foi is eyeing revenues of Rs 350 crore and Mr Rajan expects about 20 per cent of this to come from candidates getting placed abroad.
TeamLease Services is recruiting for companies based in Nepal, Nairobi, South Africa, Nigeria and South Korea apart from servicing mandates from US- and UK-based companies. "About 15 per cent of our earnings come from overseas placements," says Ms Nirupama V.G., Associate Director, TeamLease Services.
Sectors that are looking at Indian employees are software, hardware, power, pharma, textiles and BPOs. Forex remittances are also increasing because immigration is becoming easier in countries such as Australia, the UK and Singapore. Says Mr Anjan Dutta, Principal Consultant, Career Graph: "The UK earlier only offered short stints for Indian workers but now it is for longer periods." On an average, Career Graph earns about $2,000 per candidate placed abroad.
Mr Kris Lakshmikanth, CEO and Managing Director, Headhunters India, says that the boom in the garment industry has enhanced his company's forex earnings. Bangladesh, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, China, Hong Kong and Singapore are sourcing textile industry talent through this Bangalore-based company.
Mr Lakshmikanth envisages that about 25 per cent of his company's revenues (estimated to clock Rs 13 crore) to come from Indians getting placed overseas.
by Anjali Prayag reference
Challenges Faced while recruiting candidates Abroad !!!
"Although this article reflects the growing forex earnings flowing in India , yet there are great challenges faced by Indian recruiters while placing them abroad".
There are few merits and demerits let discusss them here.
And will this year , we will have higher forex earning compare to last year or not !!
let discuss here
By Nimmee Upadhyay
Friday, January 22, 2010
People are unreasonable , illogical & self centered
Love them anyway..
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterrior motives.
Do good Anyway..
If you are successful, you win false friends & true enemies.
Succeed Anyway.
The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow
Do good Anyway....
Honesty & Frankness makes you vulnerable
Be honest & frank Anyway...
People favour underdogs but follow only top dogs
Fight for some underdogs Anyway...
What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight
Build Anyway...
People really need help but may attack you if you help them
Help People Anyway...
Give the world the best you have
And You will get kicked in the teeth
Give the world the best you have got Anyway
Written by Anon
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
3rd session of Seven Habits.
Dear Friends,
It was well know to each one of us that this 2nd habit which is “Begin With End” will be awesome .
Hope this 3rd session was much much more interesting then the earlier ones . None of us have ever thought that we will have to write so much in this session. But believe me friends I feel that this time we have learnt some thing which was very very important in our life.
I really feel that we would have missed some real fact of life.
Hope you all who have attended the session have some or the other thing to say about it. Lets share our views on this blog once again and make this more interesting.
Let us know if some one who is on the blog and not able to participate in the session so far so that we can make the necessary arrangements if they find this interesting.
Monday, January 11, 2010
An Autobiography of a Recruiter ;)

Hiee All this is an illusionary biography just to throw some lights on the life of a recruiter. I have never heard some one talking about a recruiter’s life<
An Autobiography of a Recruiter ;)
“Hello, this is Quick solutions placement, how can I help you??? “
Sorry friends don’t get confused this is the normal punchline I use when I am attending the phone calls of my prospective candidates or the anxious candidates who are looking out for jobs
Now let me give a very brief introduction why I chose to be a recruiter leaving behind myriads of other career options.
As a child I always liked to help others for good reasons. I could not get into medical profession where I could become a doctor and treat poor patients. I did not opt for a social worker as I thought I would be a too Medha Patkar type.
“Human Resource” was the phrase that could have attracted me more than any other thing in the world while I was on the verge of making a career decision.
I started my career at the age of 20 yrs where I joined a bigtime placement company “ Zom – revolutions Services”. This was my first job was very eager to join this company. After all it was the famous company in the recruitment arena. I was feeling very proud to be the part of this company as I was the among 5 selected candidates out of 50 candidates.
All 5 of us joined the organization. Initially we attended the training session of a week .
I got to know many things there like how to speak with the candidates, how to handle them, how to use job portals, etc . Also I got to know about some infamous and fmous personalities in the office.
Initially I was very excited with my 1st job later on as time passed I was loaded with work pressure moreover I was handling a tedious profile of call centre. I kept persuading my self , “ I can do it”. But it was getting difficult with all types of work pressure. I was mentally forced to ask my self is this the place where I want to get in. selected candidates ratios falling and backout ratios at peak. To worsen the situation we had got our most sensible manager , “Mr Mantri” resigned from his job. And then there was a entry of a Dictator in our office., “ Mr. Sunaal”, The ring master. We all felt very traumatized some of my colleuges left the job with a view to never continue with this recruitment line. I was one of them to leave the job struggling with the thought should I continue this job or not.
I did not like the work profile , the feedbacks from the client. I did not want to be a loser I in my life. I kept motivating my self by all motivational phrases and songs. I did not quit , I kept searching for jobs into recruitment. Moreover I had not explored myself with recruitment. I wanted to learn many things, I wanted to help job seekers, I wanted to CREATE MY OWN IDENTITY IN THE FIELD OF RECRUITMENT inwhatever I could have by following fair means.
I landed up giving an interview with Quick Solutions placement. I got selected on the basis that I had achieve the target in my earlier company , and was from a renowned brand company.
I joined this company as a team member , where I learned many good things and also experienced bad things. But overall everything could be sustained as I was getting exposures and was performing. Whenever I was down wrt my perforamance I used to get motivations from my collegues and seniors. I got many appreciations from my clients, candidates , seniors and collegues all were NON MONETARY but kept my spirits on high.
I got exposure into various sectors unlike that typical call centre profile in my very first organization….
I felt as if I am a doctor while recruiting doctors, so I have had privilege of being a legal , programmer , scientist , BD consultant , Engineers, Accountant , etc. Where I had the authority to judge and shortlist them for further rounds of interview
Have conducted & designed many training programmes , have done business development, Have boosted morale of many candidates and sub ordinates……
One of the greatest challenge was to explain my job profiles to the uneducated people. Very common question I have been asked number of times, “Beta kya kaam karte ho ?? “With all possible ways to explain them I have concluded to tell these type of people by answering “Job delati hu “….
These is not enough at times I get bombardments from un known candidates to get a relevant job for them selves as presently they are not employed. They will also remind you of your job purpose if you delay in responding them.
Worst feeling comes when we are not able to get the relevant profiles after applying number of solutions. And others fail to understand your attempt…
But its all part and parcel of our life
Some of the experience I had realized in my career is that we are responsible for our own fate , don’t get stuck keep moving if not running , walk. If not walking crawl. But keep moving towards your goals.
There would be many people to discourage you , at the same time many factors THAT WILL ENCOURAGE YOU. You have to develop the skill to fight a situation. You should have willingness to change where you are lacking.
Now friends I have spend my 4 precious years with Quick Solutions , I am very satisfied with my performances here. I am also writing a book called employees grieviance and employers complain. So I will come up with some practical examples and help to rectify our behaviour
Byee for now ……….
I am getting a phone call :) :) :) :)
Friday, January 8, 2010
Depression: Please fight it!
Competition has gone to such a extent that it has killed the hope of living the Life. Stress in our daily life is leading to burnout stage and the kind of depression we are facing; at times we find all doors of hope closed in our life
In these couple of day’s I heard about minor’s who committed suicide. It’s so easy to blame external factors such as Films, Media etc. Main point is why we are not able to fight depression and stress and why we are not able to understand the warning signs of depression among our friends, family members and even with our self?
Minors at this age can’t express that they are in stress to which they normally tend to say that they are not feeling well.
We should try to understand the silence of our loved ones rather regretting in silence for not giving the support, love, motivation and the helping hand required by them during their crucial times.
“Every problem vanishes when faced boldly’’……. Everyone please be strong, no problem is small or big, try to find out some solution as every problem has a solution. Communicate it with your friends, family member’s colleagues or senior’s anyone
Go out on a vacation; socialize with optimist and positive people and not to remain in isolation, never when anyone of you who is in depression.
Be happy and live life, it’s so very beautiful and face the challenges of life rather opting to suicide, it not only kills you but also your loved ones though they are alive
The interaction we are having on Seven Habits is becoming more and more interesting at each step .
2nd session was more interesting as compared to the earlier one , the reason behind this was each one of has some idea about the discussion which was not the same in the first interaction.
Once again thanks to all of you for making this session interactive and more and more meaningful by adding on your experience as an example to understand each habit and its effectiveness.
Thanks to all of you and Mr. Rakesh , Mr. Manoj , Mr. Dilip and Mr. Rohit to join us and add their valuable comments on this session .
I am sure that each one of us has learned or understood some thing different in this session as compared to what we understood in the last session. So let us share that ……..
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Social Networking Sites
Social Networking Sites is one of the tool used by many recruiters’ to hire employees.
But can we conclude that these social networking sites are of more worth than formal recruiting tools??
I believe social networking site would have been boon to certain recruiter’s but it won’t be of same importance to each and every recruiter. Generally on these sites we find people who want to keep their social connections alive as they may not be able to connect with each and everyone whom they know.
On these sites people generally share their personal information rather than about their professional, carrier wise, competence or caliber information, we are also unable to judge performance or knowledge in that particular field about that person, apart from sites such as LinkedIn or Recruting Blogs which are solely dedicated for professional interactions.
We can have basic information about the candidate such as where he is working, location, qualification and information beyond which is not possible. Again the short listed candidate may get rejected if he has not uploaded any decent photograph or he is not looking good or seen heavily in drinking, smoking or partying.
Secondly are these information’s reliable? We as a recruiter really need to work hard on this aspect as it ultimately deals with our work. A Consultant is best known in the market for its value added and best service given to the Client. So it depends on every individual recruiter how and to what extent he / she can rely on these social networking
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Experience v/s Qualification
Experience v/s Qualification
In today’s highly competitive world its very important to prove oneself. Today each employee is quite insecure in terms of job security. Considering the need of hour many employees are opting for many professional qualifications.
But how far Qualification alone can hold an edge over Experience ???
I believe Experience can be an Excellent Qualification
Being into HR field I did came across some situations were our clients need candidates having specific experience and skills rather qualifications, which were on preferential criteria’s.
But still I found in most of the situations many resumes are not considered just because candidates are not having Master’s degree with them. Experience and Skills are not considered of much importance over qualification. It is unfortunate were employees having excellent experience, track record, good stability, willingness to learn new things are not considered. Many a times they can contribute more towards the organizational growth with their experience may be more than an employee having Master’s degree.
In the movie Chakde….Bindiya a character, she was quite negative in her role towards many situations, though she helped the team to reach to Finals and ultimately wining the Finals also by her experience.
As per the current situations and job scenario these are my view points……..
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Dear Friends we need to understand .......
What are the changing trends seen in the field of HRD?
How does a practitioner cope with it?
Let us see what do we about HRD and how many of us are aware about HRD.