Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Circle of Influence & Circal of Concern

Monday, November 23, 2009
From Rediff :Only 30% of industry plans to hire: Survey
The survey had 186 responses from various companies.
The positive feature from the survey is that the demand for both mid and entry-level recruitments has risen, as compared to the situation six months earlier, indicating that companies across various segments plan to expand operations in the near future.
Respondents were optimistic that the global economy will gather steam in the coming months, leading to an increase in orders from the US and the EU and so, more job opportunities.
The reasons for low or no hiring by 70 per cent of the respondents are varied.
Some said they did not lay off many people during the downturn and hence they were not contemplating hiring in large numbers.
Another reason cited was a wait for the economy to return to a high-growth trajectory experienced during the pre-downturn period.
"There is a need for effective skill development measures on a priority basis to equip the workforce with the requisite expertise which is in tune with industry requirements.
"There is also need to undertake reforms in the education sector to ensure that workers are provided appropriate skill sets," said Satish Bagrodia, president of the chamber.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
HR is about selecting, rewarding and developing people to achieve goals.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Article in Hindustan Times - How to Restart
Is HR Heart of an organisation
“Human Resource Management is the Heart of an Organization”
When we talk about Human resource management it includes many functions and sub functions like HR strategies , Recruitment & Selection, performance appraisals, compensation and benefits, Organisation Development etc.
Now what is HR strategies ???
HR strategies is compilation of various tools or activities used to Attract, develop, retain the best talent in the industry
Recruitment & Selection : It sounds simple but it does not only include procedure of simple screening , shortlisting the prospect employee but it also includes a rigorous scientific tools used while making selection of prospective employee
Performance Appraisals , Compensation & Benefits, again plays a pivotal role in attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry
Organisation Development : Organisation development consists of various intangible elements like work culture , work environment .
Again its plays a very essential role in building a morale of an organization as a whole. Its cannot be acquired in a day or two or even months. It is gradually built over span of time.
So all these elements together play a important role in HR Management
If we analyse any successful organization we get to know that its due to its successful HR strategies formulation and gradually implementation that contributes to its success
Eg , Cisco system has been practicing one of the best HR strategies
Likewise we have Infosys , Accenture and many more.
The elements of HR has touched every field , every organization , including NGOs etc
So friends can we conclude HR is the Heart of an organization. Without which its impossible to grow in an industry ???????????????????????????????
Please feel free to share any case study or event which reflects the importance of HRM and how its play a motivating role in carrying out other work in an organisation
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
On a daily basis we interact with so many people in our Professional world and many a times we do distinguish a person the way he / she reacts, behaves towards the people in different Hierarchy level. An individual behaves as per his / her personality attribute, one such personality attribute is Authoritarianism.
“Authoritarianism is the extent to which an individual believes that Power & Status differences are appropriate within same level in an organization”. For example, a person who is highly authoritarian may accept directions or orders from someone with more authority just because the other person is Boss.
A person who is not highly authoritarian may still carry out appropriate, reasonable & right directions from the boss, but he / she may question things, express disagreements with the boss.
By nature authoritarians are autocratic, demanding and does not involve subordinates in decision making whereas less authoritarians are democratic in nature.
After reading this I hope you all must be analyzing others and your own personality trait.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Proactive Thinking
Monday, November 9, 2009
So, How to go about Decision making. How to choose between several options and how to react on a decision that went wrong.
Critical Decisions are surrounded by doubts and worries. It requires a brave decision maker to go ahead with his decision and carry responsibility of it throughout the execution of that decision.
A person competent to handle critical task of decision making is always welcome in organizations. He possess confidence and find comfort in dealing with challenges. He can be wrong at times, yet, he has that ability to take calculated risks.
Why Decision Making is Tough:
- Critical Decisions are irreversible, and thats why they are called 'critical'. Once a decision is taken, you are bound to be either praised or blamed.
- Critical Decisions bring all the attention towards the Decision Maker. In case his decision goes wrong, he will have to face the embarrassment.
- Critical Decisions may make or break one's reputation in an Organization. This feeling puts pressure on the decision maker cause mental fatigue and discomfort.
Decision Making can be Really Easy with Following Steps:
- Be Prepared for the Best and the Worst. Understand that its a gamble, but has to be made with most positive intentions.
- Poses the Right Attitude. Put your calculations and go for the one. Most of the times, the things done with right attitude prove successful.
- You can't afford to be defensive about decisions that turn out to be wrong. When you are wrong, and you will be from time to time, admit it and go on.
- Don't prolong the process of Decision Making. Delays will cause more Delays. Not taking decision in time may damage your reputation more than failing at a decision.
- Put your knowledge and experience, and you may try consulting your close ones, but act on your own responsibility.
- Try Breaking the decisions that are too complex in nature. Step by step, things become more easy to handle.
- Prioritize the decisions. Understand the chronological order of the implementation of decisions and act accordingly.
- Don't base apply the same technique or logic on two different decisions. This formula work only by chance. Go with your own intuition about the situation.
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Peice Of My Thought...!
In Situations which we cant handle we always end up saying " Life Is Though...!"
...Freinds i am not some1 different amongst the crowd who usually end up saying the above line.but i never understand & never got the answer of the question which is below...
How can we say life i though ? I would just ask a simple question to every 1 "compare to what ?"
Has any1 visited heaven or hell or some thing comparable to life.Life in itself has its different taste - The bitter we hate! The better we like , why such discrimination ?
Guys just think for a while have you ever said such thing ...? Did you get any chance to compare with something...
I would like to read your views relating to the same...
Thank You,
Rohan kanodia
Big Boss vs. Life
Just thought what could be the similarity between big boss and life....thought to note down a few..
1. everyone nows that they are here for a short period of time..
2. the benefits they are going to draw will not last for their rest of the life..
3.the people for whom they are fighting for or bitching or trying to fool around are not related to them for ever..
4. they all will go there ways one after the other which no body knows..
5.the things they fight for say food, toffeies,budget, seems so worthless after a point of time..
6.the people who matters to them most i.e their familes and loved ones are the one whom they ocassinaly remembers when they are in blues or when all of them get free from bitching each other..
7.They all know that someone from outside is watching them( as GOD to us) but after a point of thime that hardly matters to them...
hey don't you think that the same is going in our life..fighting each day, doing not all but many wrong things, knowing gods but hardly remembering him..not literally..but normally we forget..
don't you think we all should not do these things and live a better life, care for each other, respect each other and on n on n on...
but mere dost kya big boss ke ghar mein aisha ho sakta hai..
Who cares :)
see you in front of the dumb set @ 9 to watch the next episode of the big boss...
Gossip, Information,Eureka's,Thoughts etc......
Loads of work, millions of thoughts and handful of probs is all that is shared at cafe@SRC...
Just come along, chat, discuss, bounce thoughts or anything else you'll enjoy :) and that will make you stress-free even for a moment....
so see you'll in and around the cafe....
from the counter....