Hi friends

You must have come across many problems in life , when you are in that hyper tension we start thinking about the implications of problems. This does a multiplier effects on your problem. This give us hyper tension , fear , insecurity and many other negative environment.
In this theory the problem , Fear and Insecurity are indicated by circle of concern , i.e the external circle and the Internal circle is called the Circle of Influence. The Circle of Influence is the circle of solution.
Because the problem when it comes is always bigger then the solution.
Both of these circles have the feature of growing , more you think about Circle of concern it will become bigger and bigger keeping the other circle in same position , in the same way more you think about circle of influence it will become bigger.
In the situation of problems, we need to focus on the solution , do not think much about the problem. so if we think and focus more on the solution your circle of influence will start growing and it will make your problem i.e (circle of concern) very small or may be negligible.
But if you start thinking more and more about problem itself your Circle of Concern will start growing and it might become so big that your may find no solution to the problem , or even if some solution to problem but some other bigger problems.
I hope you could understand the same............ do write your comments for any problems or clarification needed.
This is really a important tool to regain your confidence. I have practically experienced it and also am trying more and more. Recently I came across one example, few months ago I was going home alone by car and suddenly some negative thoughts came in the mind in Goregaon and started thinking only negative results like accident etc. The I called up Rohit and Rakesh and they picked me up from Malad. This happened two time continuously then I have stopped driving car alone in the night.
ReplyDeleteRecently we have started some useful session for developing some positive habit in our day to day life. During the session I came across this circle concept and immediately my mind correlated it with my above instance. Then I thought lets practically implement this. Since last two days I am driving car from kandivali to Bhayander alone and even made up my mind that soon I am going to travel from andheri to bhayander in night alone. This has happened only because I have kept this circle in my mind and I am trying that circle of concern is not overcoming to circle of influence.
After that I am trying at every possible difficult situation which I come across and really getting positive results.
So if you keep this concept in your mind it will automatically develop positive thought, confidence and you will always create your own environment to fight the situation.
Some how it is difficult to understand and accept the fact that to search solution for the problem reduces the pressure of the problems and makes it very small.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that when we come across many problems we start thinking about the implication of the problem which results in hyper tension , fear , insecurity and negative thoughts.
This influence of circle or theory of circles would be definitely looking very correct on papers but in the real life it is not 100% true.
1)When we think about the solution of the problem we definitely think about the problem too , we do not forget it or the tension is not at all released till we get the solution.
2)When ever any problem arises we have to think of some solution , so in spite of thinking about solution we are in tension about the problem so the pressure is already there.
3) It hardly happens ever that we are not able to think of any solution for a problem in life, we at least try to search for the solution.
But one think is for sure if we start thinking for more and more about problem itself our Circle of Concern will start growing and it might become so big that we may find no solution to the problem , or even if some solution to problem but some other bigger problems.
One should try to sort out solution for a problem and not only think about the problem itself. This help to prosper in life.
I suggest, request , demand and plan for a short session where we can discuss and understand the term Theory of Circles . ( As per your convenience ) .
It is really good suggestion to have such session ..
ReplyDeleteI believe there are three things
> Thinking about Problem - It is a event which has taken place.Because it is in front of you and you can not escape from it. Thinking about problem is waste. Still people think about it.
> Thinking about Implications of Problem :- This is the most dangerous and most helpful as excess thinking will harm you. This is the future which may or may not happen. So think about it careful. Excessive think will not give good results.
> Thinking about solution :- This is where we have to focus in order to come out of situation.
I can understand your concern , but human nature is very difficult to understand , for the same situation ten people will react in ten different ways.
It is very interesting to read in your comments 1 & 2 , It says whenever you think about problem you will also think about solutions and in second point vice versa.
To know the problem is a one or two time exercise. But thinking about the solution is a activity which we may have to do n number of times. Problem becomes a fixed object every time thinking about it or its implication may not be good for you. But thinking every time about the solution will slowly release your concern for the problem.
Your third point "It hardly happens ever that we are not able to think of any solution" may be your experience or your thought if it would have been so easy to think of solution no body would have suffered anything. The need for such discussion will not arise. Think of some severe problem you have faced and how fast you had solved it without worrying about it.
We have often heard or said that the practical and theory are very different. Whenever somebody says that it means he is commenting without doing this or he dont want to take efforts and pain to implement the theory.
Most of the people live their life with some formulas , theories or principal. these principal may have negative as well as positive effects but what is important is to follow them. Use them , apply them and prove that they are not good for me and then stop implementing them.
Generally such principals are universal laws and universal laws never fail , we may not have taken the real efforts to implement them.
as far as the discussion is concerned i am always ready ... let everybody comment then we can discuss.
ReplyDeleteI am continuing with my experience in relation to circle of concern and circle of influences.
Day before yesterday I was again traveling to Bhayander from Kandivali again alone, but this time my mobile got completely switch off because of low battery. As I am always worried about driving alone and additionally that day I was not having any phone to call up my friends in the even of any wrong situation. That particular situation was floating in my mind when I have started from kandivali but during the course of driving I tried my self not to think about the situation at all and diverted my mind towards some other serious thoughts. You won’t believe that I did not even came to know and entered in bhayander road and when I have entered then I purposefully thought of that situation and compared with two circles. I came to a conclusion that even though I have not got the solution but I have managed to keep circle of concern in a shape where it could not stopped my driving (alone).
I do not know whether this is a permanent solution or a temporary but it has helped in building my confidence that I can now drive in this type of critical situation as well.
I believe every problem has solution but how fast you are able to find the solution depends on kind of circumstances, experience, person’s nature or present situation in which you are. One can solve a problem with the same mind that created it and most of the time our problems are not that big or serious which we make them by on and on thinking about their implications
ReplyDeleteMany a times we do find a solution for our problems but then again we have many doubts and fears about the implications of our solution.
With each problem when we encounter, our doubts and fears increase. We start thinking things like:
“I’m not smart enough to do this”
“I’m not capable of doing this”
“I don’t have what it takes to achieve this”
“I’m too old for this”
“I’m too young for this”
By these negative thoughts we not only lose our main aim to find solution but Confidence too.
I believe once you have found solution towards your problem don’t waste time thinking about its implications just apply it having a positive and optimistic approach which will make Circle of Concern smaller.
Why we talk about Circles?
ReplyDeleteEvery person falls the prey of the Situation in their life which causes concerns. Some Suffers from it by thinking more about it, anticipating negative consequences for them, their loved ones, for their job etc.. Everyone thinks the maximum loss that can happen to them because of the situation they fall into.
Consequently, they come over it by the passage of time either by suffering heavily from the given situation or by winning it. After the event the person thinks not to think about what had happened, how he behaved and take a lesson or just thinks " O! why did i thought so.. or Why did i not do this thing. ".
Some people come over a situation by effectively handling it patiently by help of someone.
The reason we talk about the a structured thoughts of Circles is that we become aware of our own behavior when we encounter such situation going forward.
Such Discussion Leads to prepare ourselves to encounter the situation in future.
Hence, when ever we come across such discussion, we should with all our interest learn it and make ourselves aware of our strengths which we have to use in testing times..
I do understand it’s not more related to any Circles but definitely how do we face the challenges of life and how do we overcome from failures. We do have dull and bright days in our life, all individuals won’t react in same manner to a given situation some may look at the brighter picture and some may not.
ReplyDeleteNow I m looking back what mistakes I made and I m learning from them …spent most of the time in worrying rather then finding a solution and gradually lost interest in life. But now I know my strengths and weakness and I feel when you know what are your weakness one should convert them into strengths ….observe the change within you and people’s approach towards you.
End of day when you lose some thing don’t lose the experience
So dear friends don’t worry be relax, if we look around we will find our self very lucky perhaps it may change our approach towards life