Monday, May 31, 2010


Hajira is a very sweet , most approachable , delicate , talented friend - colleague of ours.....
Here's our hearty wish from all of us to say that we truly admire you.
Happy birth day once again

Hajee - ra thanks for the treat ;)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Creativity - It's Everyone's Right


When we talk about creativity, the thought that comes to our mind is about music, advertisement, film. This is how we normally relate to creative.

Creative is defined as follows:

"Ability to produce something new through imaginative skill, whether a new solution to a problem, a new method or device, or a new artistic object or form"

Hence, it can been seen from above that Creativity can be applied in any aspects of our life be it Work, Home etc..

And to think that there should be some creativity in the Government Department, hardly we can believe that babu's are hardly concerned about any such progress.

If you think this - read this !

It seems like a lesson straight from management textbooks.

Indian Administrative Service officer Vijay Waghmare has developed a foolproof, trans- parent and preferential system for transfers of zilla parishads (ZP).

Zilla parishad employees will not need to pull strings to get transferred to a place of their choice, thanks to Waghmare's `Aurangabad Pattern'.

The state government has asked all ZPs to follow Waghmare's module to help employees get over transfer blues and, most importantly, check corruption in the process.

Waghmare (34), a graduate from the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, told Hindustan Times from Aurangabad that when he joined as the chief executive officer of the Aurangabad ZP three years ago, the first thing that came to his mind was effecting transfers.

“I spent days and nights get- ting the postings changed because employees would come to me with genuine difficulties,“ said Waghmare. “So, I thought of asking them their preferences before transferring them. I called them at one place.“

Under the `Aurangabad Pattern', as it is now popularly known, employees (from larger cadres like teachers) are given presentations on vacancies and promotions at mass counselling sessions. This leaves little scope for complaints because of lack of transparency and undue polit- ical interference.

“The entire process of post- ings was completed in a single day in a hassle-free manner and without any outside interfer- ence,“ Waghmare said. “This ensured high employee satis- faction. We continued with this for three years.“

Aurangabad's Divisional Commissioner Bhaskar Munde liked the method so much that he asked all other ZPs in his division to follow it.

The model soon reached Mantralaya. Earlier this week, Rural Development Minister Jayant Patil gave his nod for implementing the system across the state. Chandrapur started it two days ago and others are expected to follow.

Patil was unreachable for com- ments. Munde said this was the best move towards good gover- nance. “When Mr Waghmare implemented the idea success- fully, I thought of doing the same in other seven districts of my division. We have stopped receiving transfer-related complaints.“

A similar process is followed first postings after recruitment and subsequent promotions.
“Promotions provide a route for human resource development in the organisation. It is a win- win situation where vacant posts are filled and the employ- ee is also motivated to achieve organisational objectives,“ Waghmare said.

Employees are happy. “This pattern has given us relief on physical, mental and financial fronts. Efficient employees who are less influential also have a voice now,“ said Madhukar Walture, vice-president of the State Teachers' Association.

Courtusy - HindustanTImes News Papaer

If this is not enough check the below link..


Creativity is the only way one can achieve satisfaction in work. Its not volume or numbers !

Be Creative in every aspect of the work we conduct this is how we remember ourself and others remember us.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Archana !!!!!

Dear Archana ,
wish u a many many happy returns of the day :) : )
Thanks for the treat ;)
We are glad to have you has a part of our team. U have taken immense efforts , that has helped us to make our names shines at client places and within org.
Request each one of us to write spotting attributes ( qualities) of Archana that gives her a distinct identity among us
Happy Birthday once again

Friday, May 14, 2010

New Forms for Income Tax Return published

The Income Tax department has published the new forms for filling the Income tax return from the assessment year 2010-11 onwards 

Successful Implementation of Employee and Time sheet Management Softwere

S R Corporate Services has successfully implemented the Employee and Time management software. The Software is expected to Achieve 98% accuracy in the month June 2010. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ekla Chalo - A Rabindranath Tagore's Poem

If they answer not to thy call walk alone,
If they are afraid and cower mutely facing the wall,
O thou of evil luck,
open thy mind and speak out alone.

If they turn away, and desert you when crossing the wilderness,
O thou of evil luck,
trample the thorns under thy tread,
and along the blood-lined track travel alone.

If they do not hold up the light when the night is troubled with storm,
O thou of evil luck,
with the thunder flame of pain ignite thy own heart
and let it burn alone.